You can add a Telegram channel just like you would any other channel: simply log-in to your account with us, navigate to the Add Channel page, and select the Telegram option at the bottom of the page:
You’ll be asked to enter an authentication token from your Telegram Bot, which is provided after you create it in Telegram. You will need to create a Telegram account and download the app to your device. Follow the instructions provided below to create your Bot.
The first step is to open the Telegram app and find and initiate a conversation with the BotFather:
After initiating the conversation, send the /newbot command and give your bot a name. You can follow the link provided to give your Bot a picture and description. Then, plug the authentication token you’re provided into your OneDais account.
Each time a new contact initiates a conversation with your Bot, they’ll do so by tapping or typing the /start command*. You can assign an introductory workflow, e.g. a registration workflow, to your Bot by creating a ‘start’ keyword trigger.
Try it Out
We’ve created an example Bot all about cats you can interact with. From your Telegram, account search for Purrington or click here.